Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fall Art Projects

Personality Portraits

Fall Writing and Drawing

Who am I? Riddles

Painted Leaves

Hopes and Dreams Drawings/Goals

Monday, September 28, 2009

Spelling Words - week of Sept. 28

This week's spelling words are all long-a and long-e words.
1. easy
2. grade
3. meet
4. late
5. seat
6. saved
7. pail
8. these
9. reach
10. name
11. raise
12. leave
13. gain
14. theme
15. scream

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday Letter highlights

* Picture Day - Sept. 23 rd.

* Homework - The students are doing a great job of completing and returning homework. Keep it up!

* We've enjoyed seeing the items in the students' homework lunchbags. We've also written "Who am I?" riddles to learn more about each other.

* Everyone has taken the STAR reading test and knows their AR reading level.

* Book orders are due on Tuesday, Sept. 29 th.

* Grades can be accessed on the school's gradebook website. Contact Mr. Baker to get a password/user i.d. if you don't already have one.

* Cursive writing starts soon!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Spelling Words - Week of Sept. 21

This week's spelling words all have the short i, short o, or short u sounds.
1. slip
2. fish
3. pick
4. rocks
5. lunch
6. gift
7. thing
8. inch
9. truck
10. pond
11. from
12. jump
13. socks
14. dish
15. thump

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Math games/Bus Safety

The students created bus safety posters to help them remember the rules.
Playing "Race to the Stars" - a math addition game.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Spelling Words - week of Sept. 14

This week's spelling words are:
1. sat
2. felt
3. last
4. send
5. next
6. best
7. went
8. hand
9. stand
10. past
11. grand
12. stamp
13. belt
14. lend
15. checked

Our spelling pretests will be on Tuesdays (or the second day of the week on a short week) and our posttests will be on Fridays (or the last day of the week on a short week).

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Busy Short Week

The first three days of school went very well. The students seem to be settling into a routine already. I will be sending home our daily schedule with the first Tuesday letter.
Our first homework assignments have started to come back to school. We will start sharing them this week.
This is our Hopes and Dreams board. We've been reading stories all week about having dreams, setting goals, and working towards those goals. The students have also been thinking about what they would like to get better at this year. This week the students will write and draw about their goals. The drawings will be posted on our Hopes and Dreams board.
These are our "About Me" books. All they need is a first day of school photograph for the cover. Hopefully, the photos will arrive in the mail soon.

As you can see, we've already been busy learning and getting to know each other better.
Check back to this site often to read more about what we've been doing.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The First Day of School

Today was the first day of school. Fourteen new smiles came through the door this morning. It was fun to see their reactions to being back in school. Some came in slowly, some practically bounded in the door. I love that back-to-school excitement. We had a busy day - summer pictures were drawn, books were read, first day photos were taken, and classroom routines were started. We also had fun doing a "getting to know you" scavenger hunt. The day ended with a few minutes of extra recess on the new playground equipment - a great ending to a really great day.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

One week ....

School starts one week from today. On Tuesday, Sept. 8th., students will come to school for their back-t0-school conferences. They'll have a chance to drop off their new supplies, find their locker, and see the classroom (if they didn't see it on Open House night). One week and counting down!