Sunday, December 19, 2010

Deck the Halls

"Deck the Halls" isn't just the name of one of the songs the third graders sang at the concert on Friday. It also describes what they've been doing the past few weeks. They did a great job putting up the Christmas tree, making paper chains for the tree and the room, making ornaments of many types, and painting some beautiful watercolor snowflakes. I love seeing their creations around the room.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Spelling Words - Dec. 13-17

1. joyful
2. choice
3. voice
4. joint
5. moist
6. spoil
7. royal
8. annoy
9. noise
10. employ
11. soil
12. loyal
13. boiled
14. destroy
15. pointy

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Spelling Words - week of Dec. 6-10

1. space
2. stage
3. huge
4. fence
5. price
6. police
7. office
8. engine
9. badge
10. pencil
11. excite
12. force
13. range
14. ginger
15. giraffe

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Spelling Words - week of Nov. 29-Dec. 3

1. shot
2. chance
3. match
4. watch
5. showed
6. shock
7. pushed
8. such
9. crash
10. chew
11. batch
12. hitched
13. sharp
14. mush
15. speech

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fruit and Veggie Derby

Today we celebrated the end of our nutrition unit with a Fruit and Veggie Derby. The kids were broken up into four groups yesterday and planned out their vehicle. Today they put those plans into action to create some unique vehicles. The cars were "raced" down a ramp. The clear winner was the car from group 3 - the bananas/apples/oranges/carrots car rolled the greatest distance. This class is full of future engineers! :)


Happy Thanksgiving from the Third Grade!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Spelling Words - week of Nov. 15-19

1. known
2. written
3. laugh
4. sphere
5. wreck
6. writer
7. wrong
8. wrap
9. wrench
10. knocked
11. knot
12. wring
13. enough
14. rough
15. wrinkle

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Flat Stanley project

Here are all of the Flat Stanleys created by our class. The students are in the process of writing about their adventures with Stanley this week. When they have completed their Stanley journal, they will mail the journal and their Stanley to a family member or friend, who will then have a week's worth of adventures with Stanley (and hopefully document them). It is always fun to see the completed journals when Stanley is mailed back to the student. In addition to each child having a Flat Stanley, this year we also have a class Flat Stanley. He will be mailed to a family member spending her senior year in Germany. Our maps get a lot of use during this project as kids look to see where all of the Flat Stanleys have been sent.

Spelling Words - week of Nov. 1-5

1. idea
2. shout
3. gloomy
4. tailor
5. grate
6. vacation
7. airplane
8. ticket
9. airmail
10. taxi
11. wallpaper
12. museum
13. swoop
14. stuck
15. thieves

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Spelling Words - week of Oct. 25-29

1. Stanley
2. brave
3. letter
4. mail
5. male
6. envelope
7. rest
8. arrested
9. rule
10. rude
11. politeness
12. hasty
13. bulletin
14. board
15. bored

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bike Safety

On Monday, October 11th., Ellen Pillsbury from the Arrowhead Regional Development Commission came to our classroom to discuss bicycle safety with our students. She went over the rules of riding safely, making sure your bike is the correct size, and the importance of wearing a helmet. She brought eggs to show how fragile heads are by having a student drop an unprotected egg onto the floor. Then she had another student drop an egg into a box of styrofoam pellets. The students were quick to understand that their new helmets have a very important job to do! She fitted each student with a new helmet, which many of them wore the rest of the day.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Artists at Work

Spelling Words - week of Oct. 11-15

1. least
2. fast
3. just
4. burst
5. strip
6. stick
7. strike
8. artist
9. almost
10. student
11. strong
12. start
13. blast
14. step
15. street

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fire Safety, Walk to School Day, and Fall Artwork

We celebrated Walk to School Day on October 6th. It was amazing to see all of the students, big and small, and adults coming down the path toward the school. They were met by cheering students and teachers.

The walkers from my class

On Oct. 6th, we also had a visit from firefighters. They brought the Fire Safety Trailer and went over fire safety guidelines. One of the things that comes out every year is that sometimes third graders don't know their phone number and home address. They need to be able to recite this information if they ever have to call 9-1-1. Ask your child to recite that information and see if a refresher course is needed.

The kids did some beautiful fall artwork this week. It really brightens up our hallway.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Classroom Creativity

This post is long overdue. The students have been so busy being creative since school started. Here are some of the projects they have been creating, along with a brief description.

We've been learning about bus safety and creating posters to show good bus safety rules.

The students spent time finding pictures in magazines that represent things that tell about themselves and then created Personality Portraits.

One of our first writing assignments was writing "Who am I?" riddles and then trying to guess which classmate wrote each one. The answer to each riddle is a picture of the student who wrote it.

The students drew pictures of summer activities. Hmmm... must be time for some fall activity pictures soon.

Another of our writing assignments was writing "All About Me" books. The books have been put into our classroom library, so we can learn all about each other.

We read a lot of Hopes and Dreams books. Each student had to set a goal for themself at the beginning of the year - something that they want to improve about themself.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Spelling Words - week of Oct. 4-8

All of our words this week have the long i and long o sounds.

1. tight
2. while
3. show
4. stone
5. bright
6. whole
7. window
8. time
9. follow
10. close
11. flight
12. tide
13. grow
14. broke
15. below

Monday, September 27, 2010

Spelling Words - week of Sept. 27-Oct. 1

This week's spelling words are all long-a and long-e words.
1. easy
2. grade
3. meet
4. late
5. seat
6. saved
7. pail
8. these
9. reach
10. name
11. raise
12. leave
13. gain
14. theme
15. scream

Monday, September 20, 2010

Transitions (and this week's spelling words)

Third grade is a year of many transitions. The students begin to become responsible for many of their daily needs. At the beginning of the year, they start by building good routines. In the morning, they have four main jobs that need to be completed before 8:30. They need to sign up for milk, put their homework in the homework bin, read/sign the morning message, and sharpen two pencils. Right now, these jobs take about 15 minutes and lots of reminders from me, but soon they will have the time down to just a few minutes, with very few reminders. I love watching them grow into responsible students!

Another transition is remembering to bring home their new spelling lists every Monday. Here are this week's spelling words.

Lesson 2 - week of Sept. 20-24

1. slip
2. fish
3. pick
4. rocks
5. lunch
6. gift
7. thing
8. inch
9. truck
10. pond
11. from
12. jump
13. socks
14. dish
15. thump

Monday, September 13, 2010

Third Grade Schedule - as of 9-13-10

8:30-8:45 Morning Misc. – attendance/Pledge/milk count/etc.

8:45-9:00 Morning Meeting

9:00-9:25 Spelling

9:25-9:40 DOL (Daily Oral Language)

9:40-9:49 Read Aloud – Picture Book

9:49-10:14 Music/Writing (every other week)

10:14-10:30 Math Meeting

10:30-11:12 Reading

11:12-11:37 PE

11:37-12:25 Science/Social Studies/Health

12:25-12:50 Lunch

12:50-1:15 Recess

1:15-1:45 Milk Break/Read Aloud – Novel

1:45-2:40 Math

2:40-3:00 Library/Silent Reading

3:00-3:10 Clean up/Hand out homework/Dismissal

Sept. 14 - Tuesday letter

Sept. 14, 2010

Dear Parents,

It was nice to meet all of you at the Back-to-School Conferences. We had 100% attendance for our classroom conferences this year! That’s terrific! Thank you for filling out all of the forms that were given out at conferences. If you haven’t returned them yet, please do so as soon as possible. If you need extras of the forms, let me know.

We are off to a great start in the classroom. Together we brainstormed a list of how to follow our main four rules. You can find the finished list on the back of this letter. The students have all passed their bus safety test and have also created bus safety posters. We have been settling into a good routine.

This week we also started our first reading story and our first spelling list. Our story, Officer Buckle and Gloria, is a funny story about safety rules at home and school.

In today’s folder, there are several things for you to notice. There is a copy of our daily schedule, a copy of the rules we brainstormed, and a letter about our math series. There are also several book orders. Your child is never obligated to buy books, but book orders are a good way to buy books at a cost lower than at the stores. If you do choose to purchase books, please pay with cash or a check written out to Scholastic.

The students have done a super job on homework this week. Keep encouraging your child to develop a good homework habit. For some children, it works best to get homework done right after school. Others may need some outside activity first. Find what works best for your family. Building a good homework habit will help your child all the way through high school. Also, don’t forget to remind your child to read and record their minutes on their reading log.

Have a great week!

Our Rules

The large print rules are the four general classroom rules. The smaller print rules are the ones the students brainstormed to help us understand the general rules.

1. Be kind.

Give compliments.

Talk nicely.

Play with lots of people, not just the same ones over and over.

Say “I’m sorry.” when needed.

Don’t cough on your friends.

2. Be safe.

No pushing or hurting others.

No kicking or punching.

No shoving.

Let the teacher know where you’re going.

3. Be responsible.

Follow the rules.

Take care of yourself.

Take care of the classroom.

Listen to the person speaking.

4. Be respectful.

Listen to people when they talk.

Be polite to people.

Use your manners.

Spelling List - Lesson 1 - week of Sept. 13-17

This week's spelling words are:
1. sat
2. felt
3. last
4. send
5. next
6. best
7. went
8. hand
9. stand
10. past
11. grand
12. stamp
13. belt
14. lend
15. checked

Our spelling pretests will be on Tuesdays (or the second day of the week on a short week) and our posttests will be on Fridays (or the last day of the week on a short week).

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to School Conferences

Today was a great day of back-to-school conferences. 100% of my students and parents came today! Yeah! It was nice to meet everyone and put faces to the names on my class list. Tomorrow the classroom will be filled with students ready to learn. :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school letters have recently been sent out. The letter has a list of items that would be helpful for you to buy before the first day of school. Here's a reminder of what you need.

* 3-4 single subject notebooks
* 3-4 pocket folders
* lots of pencils
* an inexpensive, basic calculator
* crayons, markers, colored pencils
* scissors
* glue or gluesticks
* 2 large boxes of kleenex
* a small pencil sharpener with a lid
* a ruler - not a "bendy" one
* a cheery smile and positive attitude!

I look forward to meeting all of you at Back to School conferences on the first day of school. You will be receiving your scheduled time from the office.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Spelling Words - week of Feb. 1-5

1. idea
2. shout
3. gloomy
4. tailor
5. grate
6. vacation
7. airplane
8. ticket
9. airmail
10. taxi
11. wallpaper
12. museum
13. swoop
14. stuck
15. thieves

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Spelling Words - week of Jan. 25-29

1. Stanley
2. brave
3. letter
4. mail
5. male
6. envelope
7. rest
8. arrested
9. rule
10. rude
11. politeness
12. hasty
13. bulletin
14. board
15. bored

Monday, January 11, 2010

Spelling Words - week of Jan. 11-15

1. started
2. card
3. park
4. smart
5. star
6. shark
7. mark
8. barber
9. party
10. pardon
11. bark
12. tart
13. carpet
14. farther
15. barn