Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Classroom Happenings

Whew! Where are the days going? We have been so busy - working, learning, creating, and just having fun.

We have been busy writing. The kids finished their "All About Me" books and have been reading about each other in the completed books. We've also written (and guessed) "Who Am I?" riddles. If you get a chance, stop by our classroom to see the riddles. They are hanging outside our classroom.
"All About Me" books

"Who am I?" riddles

The kids are doing a terrific job academically. We have had daily work and tests in all of our subjects. The first science test proved to be a tough one. We have our second one tomorrow. To give us a little extra practice, we used the Knowledge Bowl quiz strips for a friendly science review competition.
Ready for the next question!

In our latest yoga lesson, Liz told the kids about an ancient Sanskrit mantra. The kids discussed how treating yourself with respect helps you treat others with respect. This fits right in with our classroom rules. The mantra is:

May all beings everywhere be happy and free and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.

Our spelling words for "Pepita Talks Twice" are:
1. slip
2. fish
3. pick
4. rocks
5. lunch
6. gift
7. thing
8. inch
9. truck
10. pond
11. from
12. jump
13. socks
14. dish
15. thump

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