Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Giving Thanks to our Veterans

This afternoon we had the opportunity to hear from Harley Kiger, a veteran from WW2. He showed a movie of his trip to see the WW2 Memorial in Washington, D.C., sponsored by the Northland Honor Flight organization. He also answered questions about his time in the military. Our school is currently participating in a Penny Drive to raise funds to send another Northland Vet on a future Honor Flight trip. Please help by sending in any pennies (or nickels, dimes, quarters, ...) you can spare this week. The fundraiser will go through Monday, Nov. 14th. Remember to thank a Veteran on Veteran's Day (11-11-11).

Spelling words for "Balto"
1. shot
2. chance
3. match
4. watch
5. showed
6. shock
7. pushed
8. such
9. crash
10. chew
11. batch
12. hitched
13. sharp
14. mush
15. speech

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