Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Spelling Words and misc.

This is my last post of the school year. I have really enjoyed working with your children this year. They are a wonderful bunch of kids! I know they will continue to work hard with Mrs. Richter during second semester.

Did you know that 12, 171 minutes have been read and recorded on reading logs (Sept.-Dec.) since the beginning of the school year? Let's see if that total can be beat during the second half of the year! :)

The pictures below show the artwork created by the students after studying the artist Wassily Kandinsky.

Last week we had a guest speaker, Nancy Raymond, come in to tell us about the Pennies for Peace program. She will come for several weeks to talk with the students about helping others and teach them about famous people who have helped others in the past. Our penny jar level has been increasing every day.

Spelling Words for "Ramona Forever"
1. started
2. card
3. park
4. smart
5. star
6. shark
7. mark
8. barber
9. party
10. pardon
11. bark
12. tart
13. carpet
14. farther
15. barn

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Yoga Poses - third grade style

I just realized I hadn't posted these photos yet. During the beginning of the year, we were fortunate to have Liz come into our classroom several times to teach us some of the fundamentals of yoga. The students did a great job and wanted me to take pictures of them demonstrating the poses. There are some duplicates in poses below because I had such willing models. Above the first of each pose, I have written the Sanskrit name of the pose and also the English name of the pose.

Adho Mukha Svanasana - downward dog

Urdhua Mukha Svanasana - upward dog

Sun Salutation (end)

Tadasana - mountain pose


Bakasana - crow pose (This is an extremely difficult balance pose.)

Vrksasana - tree pose

Virabhadrasana 1 - Warrior 1

Virabhadrasana 2 - Warrior 2
Virabhadrasana 3 - Warrior 3

Savasana - corpse pose (You can see why this is a final relaxation pose.)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

The students came back from vacation rested and full of stories of the fun things that kept them busy over break. They have been working very hard this week!

Spelling words for "The Talent Show"
1. song
2. law
3. because
4. soft
5. dawn
6. crawl
7. lost
8. taught
9. long
10. pause
11. frost
12. lawn
13. hawk
14. laundry
15. author