Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! What an amazing author. We enjoyed reading some fun stories today to celebrate.

The students had their first Pennies for Peace lesson with Mrs. Raymond today. We will five lessons in all. Pennies for Peace is based on the book Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. It will be fun to learn about different cultures and see how many pennies our class can collect.

The third graders are all writing animal reports. They all got to choose their animal and are working on researching and beginning the writing process. I'm excited to see their finished products.

The Magazine Fund raiser is in full swing and orders are due on Friday.

Our new novel is Marvin Redpost: Alone in His Teacher's House. The students are enjoying reading about Marvin's adventures as he takes care of his teacher's dog while she is on vacation.

Last week the children began their MCA practice in Reading and Math. We will continue to work on little bits and pieces to prepare for the state tests.

Weekly Spelling List
1. fence
2. sneeze
3. bowl
4. walrus
5. liver
6. plate
7. bonus
8. family
9. leash
10. paw
11. vet
12. house
13. kennel
14. Marvin
15. Waldo
* chocolate

The students are getting much better at handing in their homework on time. Homework is sent home daily and due the following morning by 8:30.

Our class reading goals for this month are for each student to read 500 minutes at home and to earn 5 AR points. I know they can all accomplish this goal. Work hard and read some good books!

Mrs. Richter

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