Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 22, 2011

Here we are at the end of 3rd quarter already! The time has gone by so fast! There will be no school for students on Monday as it is a teacher workshop day.

Spelling List
1. hear
2. one
3. won
4. way
5. heard
6. flower
7. our
8. flour
9. weigh
10. here
11. beat
12. herd
13. beet
14. hair
15. hare
* coyote

As you can see, our words this week are tricky and the students will really have to listen to the sentences to figure out which word is correct. We have drawn pictures to go with each word as a visual study reminder.

Pennies for Peace continues! We will have a total of 5 weekly lessons. Last Wednesday, the students put on a play to demonstrate the story of Greg Mortenson and they did a fantastic job. Keep on bringing in those pennies. Try to think of a way for your child to earn pennies: sweeping, dusting, etc.

The students had their first lesson on division yesterday. They are beginning to memorize some of the multiplication facts, so division is just a turn around of what they already know. We worked on dividing by 2, 5, and 7. We are also working on subtracting multi-digit numbers this week. Please work at home with memorization of basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts.

Even though the calendar says it is Spring, we still have very wintry conditions outside. Remember to send boots, hats, mittens, snow pant, and even a change of socks for our cold, wet recesses.

Thanks for sharing your child with me! They are all amazing people.

Mrs. Richter

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